

Why do people blog?

People blog for many reasons- some use it truly as an online dairy,detailing their lives. The mundane-ness of a blog entry is what endears it to the readers - events that offer a slice of life of a citizen in one country can be interesting to people in another. Furthermore, the relative anonymity that the Net offers allows even introverts to open up. Some blog to convey a message to the world, some use it as an alterative mass media channels, as in the case of Chinese bloggers. Some just do for the fun of it..

Herman Melville put it best when he said, "We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results." A perfect description of blogging, don't you think?

Will your Web log add to the world of knowledge? WHAT ARE WE BLOGGING ABOUT? The headline from an August 25, 2005, article in the San Francisco Chronicle says it all: “Thanks to new media, we have all become messengers— but what are we saying?”
Technology is allowing anyone with a computer, the ability to type, and an Internet connection to become a published author—of sorts. Web logs, or “blogs,” are the latest way that students, businesses, and many others are publishing their musings.

The term was coined in 1999, and today Webster’s dictionary defines a blog as a “diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page.” More importantly, it says that blogs are “typically updated daily” and that “blogs often reflect the personality of the author.”
Yet, it is the content of blogs that matters, not the tool. The tools allow a broad, non-technical audience to publish news, information, and opinions widely. The content can range from dyed-in-the-wool journalism to stream-of-consciousness revelations. What you really need to consider before blogging, is: Why are you going to do it? To reach individuals with critical information, to express opinions, to teach students writing skills, or simply as an outlet for personal frustrations?
As California teacher (and blogger) Joel Arquillos says, “Ask yourself, ‘So what?’ before you start blogging. Will your blog add to the world of knowledge and learning, or is it just for fun?”

The reason you are here shows that you are interested in blogging...
So ask yourself : WHY BLOGGING?